A family at home: The Vogts

I gave birth at 4:46am on January 8, 2022 to my son. My first. Maybe my only, who knows? But one thing is for sure, I’m forever a mother from here on out. And while I have been photographing families for over 10 years, there are some new things I have learned and some things I believe in even stronger since having my son.

Here are some things that I learned:

  1. The first four weeks of your baby’s life exist in a whole other realm. You are not a part of the regular world. You have entered the world of your baby — one where you all are thrown into the depths of discovery.

  2. It’s hard to eat, drink, shower, (fill in the blank)… so how do pictures happen? How does one capture that magical, exhausting, time? Someone else has to…

  3. They grow SO FAST. I know… that’s a cliche. But dammit it’s true. Their little toes, their little nose, their little fingers, they get bigger. But what’s more, their face changes so quickly. It’s hard to remember what they used to look like, when every day is so different.

  4. YOU change so fast. Becoming a parent is a big deal. And often, it’s a journey that’s overlooked and overshadowed by the bundle of joy you brought into the world. But this moment of your becoming is a beautiful one. It must be celebrated more loudly. You are doing a great job, you have brought a new light into the world and we are so excited for you.

Here are some things I know to be true, even more now:

  1. Your life, your home, is beautiful. No matter how messy it seems.

  2. Your messy life, your messy home, deserves to be documented. No matter how imperfect it seems.

  3. This time with your little one is FLEETING. So damn fleeting. You gotta capture it while you can.

The Vogt Family at Home

A few months before I had my son Cai, I went to Kristin’s home to capture her husband and her newborn Jakki. We didn’t do anything fancy other than be in Jakki’s presence. We moved where the light was good and Jakki was happy. And that was enough. It was more than enough.

I am a portrait photographer who lives and works in the Pacific Northwest. I believe in natural photos, true to your life and true color so your memories stay classic forever! If you’re interested in an at home family session like this one, I’m excited to talk to you. Click this button to get the conversation started.

Micro Venue Engagement: Kyle & Laura

At the beginning of the pandemmy I met this couple who had just opened a small wedding venue. Their names? Laura and Sean. And when I say small wedding venue, I mean MICRO. But absolutely perfect. A blank space just big enough for close family and friends to celebrate love in an intimate way. Right up my alley, I say!

Laura and Sean had been trying to plan their own wedding, but the current state of the world made that difficult. That’s when they came up with the Micro Venue. An effortless, intimate, and beautiful space that any couple could get married at, no matter the state of affairs or the weather. Absolutely genius. So, when KYLE called me and said he wanted to propose to his partner Laura there, I jumped right on that train!

Kyle nervously told me his plans over the phone, a string quartet, champagne, the works. And to see it all come alive under Laura’s diligent eye at the Mirco Venue was truly magical. We all waited and held our breath as we watched Kyle lead Laura into the venue. Confused, she smiled at the musicians and stared at Kyle for more information. Within seconds, Kyle took his cue and started to sing their favorite song. By the end of the chorus, he was down on one knee. She said yes (phew!) and we all cried. Take a look for yourself and see if you can keep the tears from falling.

Getting Personal Kapwa Studio

A brand session is so much more than showing up to a location and taking some pictures. It’s so much more than looking up inspiration online and copying it. It’s so much more than looking pretty and put together. A brand session, IMHO, is about your passion. It’s about your heartbeat, the thing that gets you out of bed in the morning! It’s about your story. How did you get here? What drove you to create this brand in the first place?

When I met with Krista and Alexis of Kapwa Studio, they had passion and story coming out of their ears! I couldn’t wait to get them in Kasama Space to shoot. Krista slid into the DMs of Alexis, just casually, hoping to form a friendship with someone hundreds of miles away who seemed to be a kindred spirit. What could have been a few short and shallow convos over the internet turned out to be a life changing journey!

Krista and Alexis formed their social media company over DMs and FaceTimes and now run an extremely successful business, helping others build their brands and reach new people. Their strategy? Focus on story and community building. Sound familiar? I hope so! It was a match made in heaven. I admire these women so much for playing the growth game on their own terms and focusing on lifting others up while they are at it.

And so, when it came time to tell their OWN story, we focused a lot on fun and interactive elements that showed off their bubbly personalities and dedication to the work. Check it out below! And to learn more about Kapwa Studio, follow them on instagram @kapwastudio.co

Blooms & Twine: "A day in the life of a florist"

One very HOT summer day in Seattle, I met up with Katie and Blooms & Twine Floral Design to document her and her team setting up for an intimate wedding at the Pan Pacific Hotel. What I love about Katie is her honest approach to floral design. Follow her on instagram to learn the inner workings of floristry and what it really takes to make a beautiful bouquet. Her approach is down to earth and eco friendly. And her team is full of fun and laughter! It’s not every day you get to see what it takes to set up a floral design, and I soaked in every hard working minute. These gals were sweating! But the time was worth it. See for yourself ;)

I always love getting to work with small business owners and documenting them in their element. It’s this kind of work that reminds me what truth storytelling is all about — passion and drive and the willingness to work under the hot sun to make a beautiful idea come to life!

A new way to think about Headshots with Paige

There’s a big misconception when it comes to taking a photo. You stand in front of something, someone else holds a camera, and then that person says, “SMILE!”… But why? I don’t have the anthropological reason folks started saying this, but I do know it’s not for everyone. So when it comes to taking your next headshot, think about what’s most natural for you. How do YOU want to look in the next photo? Do you want to smile? If you do, go for it! If you don’t, then don’t! What actually matters the most is your b-r-e-a-t-h.

I won’t lie, it’s hard to get your photo taken, especially by a stranger. You get this box shoved in your face that judges whether you look good or not by a person who doesn’t know you too well. That’s HARD! But I’m here to tell you that you are brave, beautiful inside and out, and whoever gets to take your portrait is the lucky one to be a witness.

So the next time you go to take a picture, take a deep breath, remember you are, and let yourself shine. Allow yourself to be seen by the lens and let your breath remind you that you’re good. You find yourself smiling or you may not. But the results will show a photo that looks and feels like YOU.


Portraits with Paige

When Paige and I took her Headshots, we talked a lot first. She needed something new and professional for her job, but she also wanted some images that felt fun, light, and like her. So we did both. And after a while of exploring both professional and fun, the different approaches started blending together. The progression was beautiful!

There’s a couple different ways to do portraits. You can stand, smile, and pose. Or you can play, explore and let things unfold. Personally, I’ll choose the latter every time.



Enjoying your next family session

Family photo sessions are one of the most amazing treasures you can give yourself AND give future generations. But actually getting everyone together, looking at the camera, and smiling can be one heck of a task.

Two boys looking at the camera

Life will never go to plan… and when kids are involved, that statement only becomes more true. Am I right? When I first started my photography career, I spent a long time thinking about why folks get family photos taken, why I would ever want family photos taken, and why people keep doing them even though they are an incredible undertaking at times. My thoughts all boiled down to the same sentiment: because family photos matter. So I learned a long time ago to approach family sessions differently.

Here’s my approach to not hating family photos:

Three kids in different portrait frames

#1 - Put the kids in charge

I will literally hold my camera in kids’ hands and let them snap away. They want to know what’s going on, they want to know how my camera works, they want to know why I do what I do, and so we spend time just exploring first. I find this helps kids feel a bit more in control and maybe even a bit more excited to interact with me.


#2 - Tell all the inside jokes

I know it can be difficult to let a stranger (me) into your life and let them document your special world. But I highly encourage you to lead your kids in silliness. If they can see you open up, act like yourself, and get a little goofy they will feel more at ease.

multigenerational family poses closely

#3 - Get in close

Hold each other close like you’re giving each other a warm embrace. You know - like you like each other! Whenever families stand for a photo, I always take a photo like they are and then I ask them to put their arms around each other and get in even closer. Physical contact is scientifically proven to help us feel at ease and the same goes for taking photos.

two different couples embrace

#4 - Make time for just the parents

You and your partner matter too. Your love made this all happen! Let the kids blow off some steam off camera and get some photos of just the two of you. This helps break up the time for the kids and it gives you two a chance to reconnect.

a big family takes a portrait

#5 - It’s ALL good

I don’t live in a world where I believe your family is completely happy all the time. Feelings are real and they are beautiful and they are messy. Center yourself on your family’s realness and embrace it all, because it is truly ALL good.

I hope these lil nuggets help you in your next family photo adventure. And remember, I’m always here to help document every step of the way. Just hit that contact button to get the convo started. Big thanks to Ziquora and her family for a wonderful evening at the Tacoma waterfront.

Take good care my friends! -k.

Musang Content Lab x Kinfood

Kinfood is local produce and pantry box curated with the help of local farmers and local chefs. They recently partnered with Melissa Miranda of @musangseattle , as a guest curator this week to capture the hopefulness of spring and the special healing power of food and community.

Melissa is head chef of Musang and shares the flavors inspired by her childhood memories, celebrations with the PNW Filipinx community, and travels to the Philippines, all with a modern twist.

I was honored to capture this collaboration between friends and hope you enjoy their food as much as I do!

Cassidy Maranya, Artist

I believe that creativity is one of the most powerful forces of good in the universe. And getting to work with people like @cassidy_marayna always reminds me of that. Check out our personal brand photos taken in her living room and Northlight Studios. And admire Cassidy’s brilliant, eclectic process.

Long Hearing Farm

Being on the farm with the @longhearingfarm last fall was one of the most magical places my camera and me have traveled to. We sat in the rain, talked about the power of food, and reflected on how nature has so much more to teach us. Working with Elizabeth and her team at her farm reminded me how much I have to learn. How much I want to learn. How disconnected I am to the land around me. And while I’ve started growing veggies, the journey has only begun!

Leave the Long Hearing Farm Team some love on their Instagram @longhearingfarm !

Pulse Yoga Retreats // Tulum

A million years ago, before the COVID pandemic truly hit the world, I was sitting on a beach with my camera in one hand and a fist full of sand in the other. For the last three years, I have had the pleasure of being the top photographer in charge while the folks of Pulse Yoga travel the world, eat amazing food, and connect with each other through a mutual love of mindful movement. Our last soiree was in Tulum. A vibrant beach town hidden in the jungles of the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico.

We ate tacos, did yoga on the rooftops, and swam in all the cenotes we could find. Michelle and Chelsea of Pulse Yoga Collective ran our yoga program while Kristina Capulong kept us fed and happy. Fly away with us and remember what it was like to be any where else but here.

Big thanks to the retreaters who partied and dug deep with us. You all are sweet friends I think of often!

Portraits of Sage at the Northlight

Something I love to do with people I photograph is a technique called “knocking on heaven’s door”. And we do it before I even get my camera out. I may or may not have stolen this from a YouTube Superstar / yoga personality. And say what you will, but I love doing this with people. We close our eyes and we begin to sway back and forth, letting our arms dangle and slap against our sides with each movement. I breathe deeply so as to encourage the other person to breathe deeply (yes, I am still swaying with my eyes closed too). The back and forth continues at whatever speed feels right and it probably goes on slightly too long … just until it all begins to make sense. We’re giving ourselves permission to let go and tap in. At some magical, indescribable, moment the person I am with will open their eyes and begin to show a glimmer of themselves … true and one of a kind. That’s when I know it’s time to get the camera.

And here is Sage Ke'alohilani Quiamno! She is an incredible entrepreneur who serves as the CEO for Future for Us, a platform dedicated to advancing womxn of color in the workplace through community, culture and career development. Follow her on instagram @sageq.

a woman laughs

Thank you for tapping in and being present with me, my friend. You are beyond beautiful. I am grateful to know you.

the profile of a woman in a camel coat
black and white photo of a woman with her hair up
long black hair
portrait of a woman holding a coffee mug
portrait of a woman holding her head in her hands looking up
a woman sits in a white chair
a woman sitting in a chair backwards

Portraits at the Northlight Seattle: Jenna

Jenna Hanchard is an amazing human, podcast host, producer, and social commentator that I had the pleasure of photographing at the Northlight Studios in downtown Seattle. While Jenna is new waves in the media world, she needed some images that matched the new journey she is on. It is a joy to be in the presence of true talent and an honor to capture it shine. And Jenna is just one of those people you just wanna be around! She speaks truth to power, specifically by exploring stories of Black women liberation, and continuously centers Black & Brown voices. She is a voice of a generation and a leader for our city.

Follow Jenna on instagram @jennahanchard and listen to her podcast, Lola’s Ink, on KUOW or anywhere you listen to podcasts.

Thank you for allowing me to capture some of your story, Jenna. You are beautiful beyond measure!

Portraits of Cristina at Kerry Park // Seattle, WA

I love taking portraits of people, like Cristina, who are on the brink of change. When Cristina and I met up at Kerry Park in Seattle, she was in the middle of applying for a new job. So new photos were in order. New photos not only are practical, they are a wonderful way to give fresh eyes on your life as you gather yourself to present to new people … like to new bosses. EEEK…!

It’s also important to note — these are not your mama’s headshots! Cristina and I chose a very natural and fun approach to make her new portraits. These are what I would call “environmental portraits”. Which essentially means, we find a place where the client feels comfortable and encourage them to connect to what’s around them. That meant for me and Cristina that we enjoyed the sunset for a while, gazed at the Space Needle, and went for a walk where we found the most wonderful secret garden on a side street. We laughed, we talked about dreams, and we got some pretty bomb portraits that show Cristina’s warm, kind, and inviting personality.

Good luck with the new job Cristina! I hope these portraits served you well.

a woman with brown hair and a white shirt poses in front of greenery
a woman at kerry park in seattle
a latina poses in a forest-21.jpg
a woman smiles and brushes her hair away from her face
a woman poses in front of shubbery
blackandwhiteedits of a woman-1.jpg
a portrait of a woman on stairs

Family Portraits at Greenlake // Seattle, WA: The Garretts

The Garrett Family met me on one of the most foggy mornings I’ve seen in Seattle in a very long time. We met on the docks at Greenlake, but I’m not sure if you’ll believe me because we couldn’t see the lake and the lake sure didn’t show up in the photos!

What I love about the Garretts is how easily they laugh together. Its if they have their own language and world when they are together. It made my job easy - the love and joy was obvious!

garett family of three at greenlake
a girl and her mom laughing
a family of three walk away on a dock
a family of three in front of greenlake in seattle
a little girl and her dad
a couple both wearing purple shirts smile at each other
a little girl wearing denim surrounded by her parents

University of Washington COVID Wedding: Maria + David

It’s the year when nothing goes to plan, am I right? Well, that’s okay in Maria and David’s book. 2020 has got nothing on them! They kept their wedding date, moved the location to outside, asked guests to wear their dopest masks, battled a thunder storm, and got married any way!

A collage of photos featuring a bride and groom around the UW campus

Unexpected friendships

I first met Maria and David at Murphy’s Bar in Wallingford. All three of us had taught all day and a beer was much welcomed (cough whiskey for me cough). What I love about Seattle is how small it really is, even though it’s trying be big. Maria is best friends with a friend of mine, and the two of us had even met at a different wedding before! It’s so nice to work with clients that instantly feel like friends.

a bride and groom snuggle in close

Can’t stop, won’t stop

Even though their day was not what they planned, Maria and David’s wedding morning started very similarly to any other wedding. David worked out. Maria drank mimosas. And they were both SO READY to see each other all dressed up.

a wedding dress hangs
a bride gets her dress on
a bride and groom see each other for a first look

A secret ceremony spot

Maria and David took over the secret amphitheater at the University of Washington, they gathered their closest friends and family, and wired for zoom. What I love about Maria and David’s wedding when I think about it is how true they stayed to themselves and how much love was felt that day. Even when black clouds threatened the ceremony, Maria looked to David with confident eyes and said “full steam ahead!”. And you know what, the weather gods blessed them by skipping on by.

a bride gives a thumbs up
a groom puts a ring on a bride
a montage of wedding ceremony photos

About marriage

These two have tenacity and kindness in spades. Once all was said and done, they sent air kisses to their friends on zoom, said goodbye to their in person guests, and breathed a sigh of relief that punched through all the stress they had been feeling. Maria and David are a true testament to the fact that “it’s” not about the wedding, “it’s” about the marriage. And for them it was all official now. What a blessing.

a bride and groom with their dog
a bride runs and twirls in her dress
a married couple dance in the sunset

Thank you for allowing me to capture this amazing moment in your lives, Maria and David. Cheers to you two!

husband and wife cheers