
A new way to think about Headshots with Paige

There’s a big misconception when it comes to taking a photo. You stand in front of something, someone else holds a camera, and then that person says, “SMILE!”… But why? I don’t have the anthropological reason folks started saying this, but I do know it’s not for everyone. So when it comes to taking your next headshot, think about what’s most natural for you. How do YOU want to look in the next photo? Do you want to smile? If you do, go for it! If you don’t, then don’t! What actually matters the most is your b-r-e-a-t-h.

I won’t lie, it’s hard to get your photo taken, especially by a stranger. You get this box shoved in your face that judges whether you look good or not by a person who doesn’t know you too well. That’s HARD! But I’m here to tell you that you are brave, beautiful inside and out, and whoever gets to take your portrait is the lucky one to be a witness.

So the next time you go to take a picture, take a deep breath, remember you are, and let yourself shine. Allow yourself to be seen by the lens and let your breath remind you that you’re good. You find yourself smiling or you may not. But the results will show a photo that looks and feels like YOU.


Portraits with Paige

When Paige and I took her Headshots, we talked a lot first. She needed something new and professional for her job, but she also wanted some images that felt fun, light, and like her. So we did both. And after a while of exploring both professional and fun, the different approaches started blending together. The progression was beautiful!

There’s a couple different ways to do portraits. You can stand, smile, and pose. Or you can play, explore and let things unfold. Personally, I’ll choose the latter every time.



Portraits of Sage at the Northlight

Something I love to do with people I photograph is a technique called “knocking on heaven’s door”. And we do it before I even get my camera out. I may or may not have stolen this from a YouTube Superstar / yoga personality. And say what you will, but I love doing this with people. We close our eyes and we begin to sway back and forth, letting our arms dangle and slap against our sides with each movement. I breathe deeply so as to encourage the other person to breathe deeply (yes, I am still swaying with my eyes closed too). The back and forth continues at whatever speed feels right and it probably goes on slightly too long … just until it all begins to make sense. We’re giving ourselves permission to let go and tap in. At some magical, indescribable, moment the person I am with will open their eyes and begin to show a glimmer of themselves … true and one of a kind. That’s when I know it’s time to get the camera.

And here is Sage Ke'alohilani Quiamno! She is an incredible entrepreneur who serves as the CEO for Future for Us, a platform dedicated to advancing womxn of color in the workplace through community, culture and career development. Follow her on instagram @sageq.

a woman laughs

Thank you for tapping in and being present with me, my friend. You are beyond beautiful. I am grateful to know you.

the profile of a woman in a camel coat
black and white photo of a woman with her hair up
long black hair
portrait of a woman holding a coffee mug
portrait of a woman holding her head in her hands looking up
a woman sits in a white chair
a woman sitting in a chair backwards

Portraits at the Northlight Seattle: Jenna

Jenna Hanchard is an amazing human, podcast host, producer, and social commentator that I had the pleasure of photographing at the Northlight Studios in downtown Seattle. While Jenna is new waves in the media world, she needed some images that matched the new journey she is on. It is a joy to be in the presence of true talent and an honor to capture it shine. And Jenna is just one of those people you just wanna be around! She speaks truth to power, specifically by exploring stories of Black women liberation, and continuously centers Black & Brown voices. She is a voice of a generation and a leader for our city.

Follow Jenna on instagram @jennahanchard and listen to her podcast, Lola’s Ink, on KUOW or anywhere you listen to podcasts.

Thank you for allowing me to capture some of your story, Jenna. You are beautiful beyond measure!

Portraits of Cristina at Kerry Park // Seattle, WA

I love taking portraits of people, like Cristina, who are on the brink of change. When Cristina and I met up at Kerry Park in Seattle, she was in the middle of applying for a new job. So new photos were in order. New photos not only are practical, they are a wonderful way to give fresh eyes on your life as you gather yourself to present to new people … like to new bosses. EEEK…!

It’s also important to note — these are not your mama’s headshots! Cristina and I chose a very natural and fun approach to make her new portraits. These are what I would call “environmental portraits”. Which essentially means, we find a place where the client feels comfortable and encourage them to connect to what’s around them. That meant for me and Cristina that we enjoyed the sunset for a while, gazed at the Space Needle, and went for a walk where we found the most wonderful secret garden on a side street. We laughed, we talked about dreams, and we got some pretty bomb portraits that show Cristina’s warm, kind, and inviting personality.

Good luck with the new job Cristina! I hope these portraits served you well.

a woman with brown hair and a white shirt poses in front of greenery
a woman at kerry park in seattle
a latina poses in a forest-21.jpg
a woman smiles and brushes her hair away from her face
a woman poses in front of shubbery
blackandwhiteedits of a woman-1.jpg
a portrait of a woman on stairs

Family Portraits at Greenlake // Seattle, WA: The Garretts

The Garrett Family met me on one of the most foggy mornings I’ve seen in Seattle in a very long time. We met on the docks at Greenlake, but I’m not sure if you’ll believe me because we couldn’t see the lake and the lake sure didn’t show up in the photos!

What I love about the Garretts is how easily they laugh together. Its if they have their own language and world when they are together. It made my job easy - the love and joy was obvious!

garett family of three at greenlake
a girl and her mom laughing
a family of three walk away on a dock
a family of three in front of greenlake in seattle
a little girl and her dad
a couple both wearing purple shirts smile at each other
a little girl wearing denim surrounded by her parents

Meet Erica Thrifts

Oh Instagram, how I love you. Let me count the ways! Your algorithm may change at every sneeze but you never cease to help me meet new people around town. That’s how Erica E of Erica Thrifts came into my life! She is the thrift master to end all thrift masters. She’s a local Seattle Blogger focused on bringing sustainability to our wardrobes and more! I had the wonderful opportunity to meet her (socially distant of course!) at a local hangout by the water and dance in that good morning light.

By now, she has moved back to NYC and we miss her dearly! Good luck with everything, Erica!

Portrait of Erica in Lake Washington taken by Karen Kirsch of Kirsch Creative in Seattle, Wa
Portrait of Erica on dock by the water taken by Kirsch Creative in Seattle
Moody portrait of Erica in morning light taken by Kirsch Creative in Seattle, WA
Portrait of Erica by green tree branch wearing an orange dress. Taken by Karen Kirsch in Newcastle, WA.
Backlit portrait of Erica wearing an orange dress standing in green field. Photo taken by Karen Kirsch of Kirsch Creative based in Seattle.
Portrait of Erica in a row of trees taken by Karen Kirsch of Kirsch Creative - a portrait photographer in Seattle, WA.
Portrait of a woman with black hair wearing an orange dress sitting on a dock

Portraits Anthony J.R. at Northlight Studios

Hello world, I want you to meet an amazing person named Anthony - the socialite of Seattle. You may recognize him from his smooth stylings in his podcast Cognac Small Talk with Anthony J.R. or his lifestyle and hospitality brand Laidback Allure. He’s a man about town and making the most of being stuck at home. He prides himself on bringing people together, both in person and virtually! He’s had to make some adjustments this year, but through his amazing at home cocktail kits, he’s helping people feel more at home and connected to others as we ride out the crazy year that is 2020.

I had a chance to meet him in Studio and take some portraits of him. And what a joy it was to work with Anthony!

kirsch creative portrait of Anthony in studio on yellow couch

Studio Sessions

Lucky for us, we met this summer in the studio where we could socially distance properly and keep the virus at bay. All while talking about life in the pandemic and making the most of the “free time” that the universe has seemed to bestow upon us. I’m grateful for having met Anthony. His spark for life and eagerness for searching for more reminded me to keep dreaming big, even when the world seems to be operating at a different pace.

portrait of Anthony in black leather jacket

Creativity is not Canceled

Creating with Anthony was by far a top highlight of my summer. He has laid a foundation of winter inspiration to wake up each day with new eyes on the world. While hanging out he reminded me, “we all took loses this year. The whole world did, but it’s all about perspective. It’s all about how you plan on ending the year. Whether that win is big or small, I’ve learned a lot about myself this year … what makes me happy, what makes me productive, who’s still in my corner, etc. And that’s a big win for me.”

portrait of Anthony smiling
side profile portrait of Anthony
portrait of Anthony talking on a yellow couch

Do you

It’s important to remember that when you get your portrait taken, you should do and feel YOU. If you’re not feeling yourself, then you’re not going to get the results back on film. What I loved about hanging out with Anthony was that even though he was a bit nervous, he took the time to talk about himself, about his life, and really open up to me. Thanks for trusting me Anthony! Your spark really shows and the city needs the energy you bring into bringing people together!

Portrait of Anthony against wood backdrop

Meet Kristina Capulong of Gumwall Camp Productions

Meet Kristina – a producer, chef, yogi, human, and overall student of life. Her brand is all about sharing stories. She is the definition of creativity in motion. When we met to discuss her production company, Gumwall Camp Productions, it became clear that her curiosity for life is driven by connection. Connection to people, to art, to life. It all matters to her.



When making her brand story together, we played like kids in the studio, at the market, and yeah, at the bar, too. Hanging upside-down on the couch reading a book, getting yelled at by the flower vendors for taking pictures, and taking a shot of tequila at Copal. I couldn’t stop smiling and I’d better not stop moving in order to keep up with Kristina’s pace. We ended our session totally exhausted and totally jazzed about the future. That’s why I love being around Kristina. She lives in every moment, to the fullest.

She is the strongest gal I know, and it’s because of her curiosity and compassion. See for yourself. And hire Gumwall Camp for your next creative endeavor.



Headshots can be more about your story than sitting and saying “cheese”. Pick what’s important to you, your process, and your business. Then show it off. Not only will clients be able to relate, it’ll show off your expertise. As a result, you’ll be staying true to your purpose and running a business you love. Give me a call, let’s go for a drink and chat about your future branding images. I’m here when you’re ready.



Email me at hello@kirschcreative.com to set up a brainstorming date. Or leave a comment below, I’d love to hear more about your business and how we can help it shine more brightly. Here’s to a happy + productive day. And thanks for dropping by