I love taking portraits of people, like Cristina, who are on the brink of change. When Cristina and I met up at Kerry Park in Seattle, she was in the middle of applying for a new job. So new photos were in order. New photos not only are practical, they are a wonderful way to give fresh eyes on your life as you gather yourself to present to new people … like to new bosses. EEEK…!
It’s also important to note — these are not your mama’s headshots! Cristina and I chose a very natural and fun approach to make her new portraits. These are what I would call “environmental portraits”. Which essentially means, we find a place where the client feels comfortable and encourage them to connect to what’s around them. That meant for me and Cristina that we enjoyed the sunset for a while, gazed at the Space Needle, and went for a walk where we found the most wonderful secret garden on a side street. We laughed, we talked about dreams, and we got some pretty bomb portraits that show Cristina’s warm, kind, and inviting personality.
Good luck with the new job Cristina! I hope these portraits served you well.