Something I love to do with people I photograph is a technique called “knocking on heaven’s door”. And we do it before I even get my camera out. I may or may not have stolen this from a YouTube Superstar / yoga personality. And say what you will, but I love doing this with people. We close our eyes and we begin to sway back and forth, letting our arms dangle and slap against our sides with each movement. I breathe deeply so as to encourage the other person to breathe deeply (yes, I am still swaying with my eyes closed too). The back and forth continues at whatever speed feels right and it probably goes on slightly too long … just until it all begins to make sense. We’re giving ourselves permission to let go and tap in. At some magical, indescribable, moment the person I am with will open their eyes and begin to show a glimmer of themselves … true and one of a kind. That’s when I know it’s time to get the camera.
And here is Sage Ke'alohilani Quiamno! She is an incredible entrepreneur who serves as the CEO for Future for Us, a platform dedicated to advancing womxn of color in the workplace through community, culture and career development. Follow her on instagram @sageq.
Thank you for tapping in and being present with me, my friend. You are beyond beautiful. I am grateful to know you.