
Family Portraits at Greenlake // Seattle, WA: The Garretts

The Garrett Family met me on one of the most foggy mornings I’ve seen in Seattle in a very long time. We met on the docks at Greenlake, but I’m not sure if you’ll believe me because we couldn’t see the lake and the lake sure didn’t show up in the photos!

What I love about the Garretts is how easily they laugh together. Its if they have their own language and world when they are together. It made my job easy - the love and joy was obvious!

garett family of three at greenlake
a girl and her mom laughing
a family of three walk away on a dock
a family of three in front of greenlake in seattle
a little girl and her dad
a couple both wearing purple shirts smile at each other
a little girl wearing denim surrounded by her parents