Family photo sessions are one of the most amazing treasures you can give yourself AND give future generations. But actually getting everyone together, looking at the camera, and smiling can be one heck of a task.
Life will never go to plan… and when kids are involved, that statement only becomes more true. Am I right? When I first started my photography career, I spent a long time thinking about why folks get family photos taken, why I would ever want family photos taken, and why people keep doing them even though they are an incredible undertaking at times. My thoughts all boiled down to the same sentiment: because family photos matter. So I learned a long time ago to approach family sessions differently.
Here’s my approach to not hating family photos:
#1 - Put the kids in charge
I will literally hold my camera in kids’ hands and let them snap away. They want to know what’s going on, they want to know how my camera works, they want to know why I do what I do, and so we spend time just exploring first. I find this helps kids feel a bit more in control and maybe even a bit more excited to interact with me.
#2 - Tell all the inside jokes
I know it can be difficult to let a stranger (me) into your life and let them document your special world. But I highly encourage you to lead your kids in silliness. If they can see you open up, act like yourself, and get a little goofy they will feel more at ease.
#3 - Get in close
Hold each other close like you’re giving each other a warm embrace. You know - like you like each other! Whenever families stand for a photo, I always take a photo like they are and then I ask them to put their arms around each other and get in even closer. Physical contact is scientifically proven to help us feel at ease and the same goes for taking photos.
#4 - Make time for just the parents
You and your partner matter too. Your love made this all happen! Let the kids blow off some steam off camera and get some photos of just the two of you. This helps break up the time for the kids and it gives you two a chance to reconnect.
#5 - It’s ALL good
I don’t live in a world where I believe your family is completely happy all the time. Feelings are real and they are beautiful and they are messy. Center yourself on your family’s realness and embrace it all, because it is truly ALL good.
I hope these lil nuggets help you in your next family photo adventure. And remember, I’m always here to help document every step of the way. Just hit that contact button to get the convo started. Big thanks to Ziquora and her family for a wonderful evening at the Tacoma waterfront.
Take good care my friends! -k.