Myles and Liz are two babes from Baltimore. They had heard about a company called Peace Vans and a magical place called the Olympic Peninsula and decided to spend their Summer break exploring the forested beaches of Washington in a camper van. By the stroke of all things magical, Liz knows my friend Ethan from college and Ethan hooked me up with these two adventurers. I woke up at 4am (two days after we moved into our Seattle apartment, mind you), and met them at Rialto Beach for the start of their misty July Monday morning.
I felt like I was on a blind date, having only chatted over the interwebs with Liz and not knowing what was going to happen next. But then their Mercedes Sprinter Van came through the lot, they jumped out with smiles and hugs, and we started chatting like three old friends who were very tired but so excited. That’s when we popped the champagne!
I don’t have a whole lot of wildly unique advice that hasn’t already been said on the internet. But I truly believe in getting your engagement pictures done, and doing it in a place that is meaningful to you two. Whether you’re on a new adventure or reliving old ones, being in a place that is memory-full will help you remember what life was really like for y’all long after the white dress gets packed away and the florals are dried from your bouquet. Allow yourself to wander a bit, I’ll keep up. Enjoy just being with each other in a beautiful place, that’s what matters and that’s what makes photos worth keeping.
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For two people who met in a bar, dated other people, and finally ended up together, Myles and Liz show that love is a bit of a winding path but totally worth the trip. Have a wonderful wedding in Maryland, my dears! Send pictures! Thank you for having me on a part of your adventure, come back soon.
Adventure with Peace Vans
Do you have a year round itch for adventure? I can’t recommend Peace Vans more! They are local to Seattle and really know how to make folks feel at home, even on the road. Myles and Liz spent over 9 days on the road exploring the Olympic Peninsula with a perfect itinerary curated by the Peace Van Crew. The crew found out that Myles and Liz were celebrating their Engagement and left champagne in the fridge. How amazing!